Community Event for Families: The Carnival of the Animals

Family-friendly event from our friends at Montgomery College:

The Carnival of the Animals

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Globe Hall – Germantown Campus

Piano Concert Begins at 5:00 pm

Family-friendly pre-concert activities begin at 4:00 pm

  • William Chang and Ellen Suh will be playing grand pianos simultaneously

  • David Carter’s colorful animal drawings will be projected on the big screen

  • Reverend Don Marbury will read the Ogden Nash Verses that were inspired by this song

  • MC Students’ drawings and illustrations of animals will be on display in the upper atrium (before and after the concert)

  • Pre-concert activities will help children learn all about the animals in the Carnival piece while having a great time

Pre-Concert Activities

  • We’ve planned games, crafts, puzzles, a book nook, exhibits, selfie stations, animated clips, and snacks

  • Every child will get several giveaways when they arrive and have lots of chances to win prizes

  • There are even a few challenges for the parents (or older siblings) among the activities

  • We will announce five grand prize winners at the end of the concert

  • Everything is FREE

The evening is intended to be family-friendly so no need to worry about children wiggling in their seats. Come and bring your family. Invite your neighbors and their kids. Be prepared to enjoy an evening of animal fun and games, and energetic and entertaining music presented by two highly accomplished concert pianists.

Posted on November 14, 2019 .