GSLP Emergency Weather Policy

Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool follows Montgomery County Public Schools when determining whether to open on days with emergency weather conditions.

You can find MCPS's emergency closure information on their website. Check with the site or with local radio and television stations for the latest school closure announcements.

Good Shepherd will post information about closures to its website home page, Twitter feed, and Facebook page as soon as possible after MCPS makes its decision. We also send out an email notification.

However, regardless of whether you see a notification directly from GSLP, please know that GSLP ALWAYS follows MCPS's weather closure decisions. The fastest and easiest way to learn about closures is to sign up for Alert MCPS.

Please see our Parent Handbook for further information on emergency closures.

General Rules for Emergency Closures

If MCPS is closed due to emergency weather conditions, so is Good Shepherd Preschool.

If MCPS has a delayed opening, Good Shepherd will open for classes at 10:30 AM. Dismissal is at the usual time.

If MCPS announces a general emergency early release for any reason, including inclement weather, all classes will end at 12:00 PM (including Early Pre-K Plus).

Posted on December 10, 2019 .

Christmas at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, home of Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool, invites all Preschool families to join us for Christmas worship services.


5:00 PM - Family Service with Pageant

7:00 PM - Festive Contemporary Christmas Worship

9:00 PM - Festive Traditional Christmas Worship

11:00 PM - Festive Traditional Christmas Worship with Candlelighting


10:00 AM - Service of Lessons and Carols with Communion

Families recently received an invitation postcard in children’s tote bags. Additional postcards are available near the parent magazines in the stairwell if you would like to share one with a friend or family member.

Posted on December 9, 2019 .

December 2019 GSLP Home + School Connection Newsletter

Download the December 2019 GSLP Home + School Connection Newsletter today and enjoy articles on providing your child with extra meaningful gifts this holiday season (such as spending time together!), giving thanks with grace prayers, everyday materials you can use for teaching your child skills, ideas for encouraging your child to talk, and fresh book recommendations. You can borrow all three recommended books from our Family Lending Library in the office! Don’t forget to check the back page for lyrics to songs from the Christmas Chapel so that you can help your child practice at home.

Merry Christmas!

Posted on December 3, 2019 .