Teacher Feature: Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Cerezo

Mrs. Jennifer Jones serves as lead teacher and Mrs. Laura Cerezo Vargas serves as assistant teacher for GSLP’s 2-Day Early Pre-Kindergarten 2 and 3-Day Early Pre-Kindergarten 3 classes.

About Today’s Featured Team

Mrs. Jones: I grew up in Gaithersburg and am happily married to my high-school sweetheart. We have three children: 13-year-old twins and an 8-year old boy (who attended GSLP). I have a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master;s degree in sociology. I was a stay-at-home mom and home-daycare provider before I started teaching at GSLP. After completing the necessary coursework last year, I achieved a Level 5 ranking through the Maryland Child Care Credential Program.

Mrs. Cerezo: I am originally from Puebla, Mexico. In Mexico, I earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). I got married in 2006. I moved to Maryland 12 years ago. I have two boys: a 9-year-old, who is starting 5th grade this fall, and a 4-year-old, in his third year at GSLP. Last year, I was blessed joined the GSLP team!

What These Teammates Love About Working at GSLP

Mrs. Jones: What I like most about working at GSLP is the opportunity to work with young children. At ages 2, 3, and 4, children are just beginning to explore and interact with the world around them. It's a delight to watch their little minds work, help them foster new friendships, and create fun art projects together. I also enjoy the comradery I feel with my fellow teachers. It's nice working for a small school because of how quickly I've gotten to know my fellow teachers and directors.

Mrs. Cerezo: I really like to see the children smile when they are doing their activities, playing, and making new friends.

Thank you, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Cerezo! We are glad to have you on the GSLP team!

Posted on May 4, 2020 .

Teacher Appreciation Week: T is for TRAINING

Training is where every GSLP teacher’s journey begins and is an ongoing part of their professional life.

All GSLP teachers earn a bachelor’s degree before joining our staff. Many even have master’s degrees - we have a well-educated staff! While their original degrees may be in any field - we have people with backgrounds in science, business, art, nursing, literature, and journalism in addition to education - once a person signs on to teach, they begin a course of continuing education specifically in early childhood to complement their original degree.

Most GSLP teachers begin their work at the school as substitute teachers. Our substitute teachers typically join our staff during their time as preschool parents. (In fact, all current GSLP teachers are also current or former preschool parents!) Unless they already have a background in education, usually the next step is to join the ranks of assistant teachers. Working as a substitute and as an assistant teacher allows a person to essentially become an apprentice, learning on the job from our more experienced staff members and becoming prepared to lead a classroom on their own someday.

All lead and assistant teachers take part in annual continuing education. GSLP requires staff members to participate in Maryland’s Child Care Credential program, which sets a higher bar for continuing education and professional activities than the minimum required by child care licensing. All staff members complete 24 hours or more of state-approved training each year, and lead teaching staff are required to work toward acquiring at least 15 college semester hours in education during their first few years on on the job.

Our staff members participate in monthly professional development during staff meetings, both through formal lessons led by the Educational Program Director or trainers and through informal sharing and support from each other. GSLP kicks off this professional development each school year by offering training in CPR or first aid, as shown in the photo here from September 2019. Staff members are also matched up in peer mentoring relationships at the beginning of each school year to provide support and build connections with each other.

Finally, GSLP staff look for opportunities to attend professional conferences together, such as the big National Association for the Education of Young Children conference held in November 2018 in DC. These conferences not only provides the chance to develop knowledge and skills but also inspire and energize staff members for continued work in the classroom.

Each day during Teacher Appreciation Week, GSLP will share one of the many things that make our teachers such special people. We thank all our teachers for their hard work, dedication, and service to the community!

Posted on May 4, 2020 and filed under Teacher Appreciation Week.

GSLP Will Remain Closed Through May 15

Governor Larry Hogan announced on April 17 that all Maryland schools will remain closed through Friday, May 15. Montgomery County Public Schools will be closed, and in line with GSLP policy to follow MCPS closures, the preschool will also close. GSLP will also be following state orders closing all licensed child care centers aside from those participating in the state’s Essential Personnel Child Care program.

GSLP will continue offering its distance-learning program to support families and continue the important work of educating young children during this closure.

In line with state guidance, we encourage all families to stay home as much as possible to help prevent the spread of covid-19. Stay well, friends, and know that all of us here at GSLP love you and miss you!

Posted on April 17, 2020 .

Distance Learning from GSLP

GSLP believes in the vital importance of early childhood education. We are offering a distance-learning program for currently enrolled students during this extended school closure. We are offering daily at-home learning activities, video lessons, connections to educational resources, and an enhanced social media presence to help bring our preschool families together during this time apart. Please let us know if you are not receiving our daily lessons so that we can connect you with our online school.

Posted on April 2, 2020 .

GSLP Will Remain Closed Through April 24

Governor Larry Hogan and State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon announced on March 25 that all Maryland schools will remain closed through Friday, April 24. Montgomery County Public Schools will be closed, and in line with GSLP policy to follow MCPS closures, the preschool will also close. In line with state guidance, we encourage all families to stay home as much as possible to help prevent the spread of covid-19.

Posted on March 25, 2020 .