GSLP Will Remain Distance Learning Only in May

State Superintendent Karen Salmon announced on May 6 that all Maryland schools are to remain closed for the rest of the school year. We are sad to know we will not have the opportunity to get together as a group again this school year, but the health and safety of our students, families, and staff is always of primary importance to us.

We have been working on plans for what to do to mark the end-of-year transition in the event the state shut down schools. We will be in touch soon to let you know what to expect.

GSLP will continue offering its distance-learning program to support families and continue the important work of educating young children during this closure. Our online offerings have grown to include videoconference class meetings, Google Classroom access with the ability to turn in assignments for feedback, and daily video lessons and learning activity plans.

Thank you for your ongoing support! We hope you and your families are healthy and safe. We love you and miss you, friends!

Posted on May 6, 2020 .

Teacher Feature: Mrs. Ganz and Mrs. Forcey

Mrs. Melissa Ganz and Mrs. Lori Forcey serve as co-lead teachers for GSLP’s 2-Day Early Pre-Kindergarten 3 and 3-Day Pre-Kindergarten classes.

About Today’s Featured Team

Mrs. Ganz: I am originally from Long Island, NY. I moved down to Maryland 13 years ago with my husband, and soon after moving, I had my son (who is a GSLP alum). I am also a mom to a rescue dog named Bear. I've been working at GSLP since my son was in Pre-K. I have taught or assisted in the Early Pre-K 2, Early Pre-K 3, and Pre-K classes.

Mrs. Forcey: I am a graduate of the University of Maryland, and I spent seven years as a sports writer for several newspapers before transitioning to public relations. I started working at GSLP in 2010 when my two sons (both GSLP grads) were in kindergarten and pre-K. They’re now in 9th and 8th grade, respectively.

What These Teammates Love About Working at GSLP

Mrs. Ganz: My favorite thing about working at GSLP is the kids. I love getting to know the children and the families of GSLP. I love watching them grow, succeed and become confident in their abilities. My co-workers at GSLP are a great group of caring women and make coming to work a fun place to be.

Mrs. Forcey: The kids. I love it when they grasp new concepts; they are so proud of themselves.

Thank you, Mrs. Ganz and Mrs. Forcey! We are glad to have you on the GSLP team!

Posted on May 6, 2020 and filed under Teacher Appreciation Week.

Teacher Appreciation Week: A is for ANSWERING THE CALL

Answering the Call: Because teaching is a not just a career, it’s a vocation.

How do the people on our staff end up at GSLP? As mentioned in our first Teacher Appreciation Week post, many staff members did not set out to become teachers from day one. However, they all eventually heard the call - that this was the path they were meant to be on.

Teaching is not an easy job. If you find it difficult to be around one or two preschoolers at home, imagine being in a room with 12 to 16 (or in some places, more!) of them, day in and day out. But teachers who feel the call thrive in this environment, taking on the challenge armed with an understanding of child development and a knack for communicating in a way that connects with young kids.

Teaching is an opportunity to serve the community, something we takes seriously at GSLP. Our teachers bring a sense of purpose to their work, knowing that they will help shape the future through their influence on children. That purpose drives them to give their best every day in the classroom. We are amazed every day at the hard work and dedication on display from our staff as they answer their call.

Each day during Teacher Appreciation Week, GSLP will share one of the many things that make our teachers such special people. We thank all our teachers for their hard work, dedication, and service to the community!

Posted on May 6, 2020 and filed under Teacher Appreciation Week.

Teacher Feature: Ms. Bendo and Mrs. German

Ms. Elisabeth Bendo serves as lead teacher and Mrs. Tracey German serves as assistant teacher for GSLP’s 2-Day Early Pre-Kindergarten 3 STEAM class.

About Today’s Featured Team

Ms. Bendo: I grew up mostly in Montana. My husband, older daughter, and I moved to Maryland in 2008. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in genetics from Iowa State University and a Master of Science degree in cell and molecular biology from the University of Pennsylvania. My last laboratory research job was working on the genetic expression of melanoma. I became a stay-at-home mom when my older daughter, Zoe, was born. When my younger daughter, Cora, finished her time at GSLP in 2015, I became an assistant teacher at GSLP.

Mrs. German: I have lived in Maryland my entire life. I earned a bachelor of science degree in biology and have taken extensive graduate courses in biomedical science with a concentration in cellular and molecular biology. (More to come later this week - Mrs. German serves on two teaching teams!)

What These Teammates Love About Working at GSLP

Ms. Bendo: I've enjoyed helping children learn at school and gain confidence in their abilities, like putting on their coats, using scissors, and making friends.

Mrs. German: What I enjoy most about working at GSLP is interacting with the children. (More later this week!)

Thank you, Ms. Bendo and Mrs. German! We are glad to have you on the GSLP team!

Posted on May 5, 2020 and filed under Teacher Appreciation Week.

Teacher Appreciation Week: E is for EDUCATION

Education is the reason GSLP’s teachers are here! Our staff members’ daily focus is on inspiring a lifelong love of learning in our students and preparing them to succeed in school and thrive in life.

Teachers begin each new school year by making goals and big plans for their classes and creating exciting, engaging learning environments in their classrooms. Once students arrive, the focus shifts to teaching rules and routines - how to “do school” - while at the same time getting to know each student individually.

Teachers learn each student’s interests, which helps with planning engaging lessons. Capturing students’ interest helps teach them that learning is a source of joy and wonder.

Teachers also assess each student’s academic needs, which helps them tailor lessons to the ability level of the class as a whole and, during small-group and individual instruction, to each child’s particular level. Pitching lessons too high or too low could lead to students feeling frustrated or bored. Children, like anyone, learn best when a teacher meets them where they are and builds knowledge up from that foundation.

Finally, teachers work to understand students’ social-emotional development, which helps them find ways to teach students to manage their behaviors inside and outside the classroom.

Teachers also work to educate each other through our monthly professional development at staff meetings and through peer mentoring relationships (see yesterday’s post!). They also work to educate families on how best to support their children’s development at home through leading workshops, writing newsletters, and participating in twice-a-year conferences.

Each day during Teacher Appreciation Week, GSLP will share one of the many things that make our teachers such special people. We thank all our teachers for their hard work, dedication, and service to the community!

Posted on May 5, 2020 .